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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So I may break the pattern of titles someday.

Still waiting for the results of my background and drug screening tests before I go to work. At least I have money to survive until then. As if I really was going to have difficulty in surviving until then. The only real priorities is having enough gas to get to and from training centers and Delaware until the 23rd when my *first* paycheck will arrive (ouch, 16 days). And wouldn't ya know it, gas is $3/gal. Feels bad man.

The cable (TV) is temporarily disconnected (because it's expensive, and my roommate is a selfish, fiscally irresponsible cunt-tard) but I still have internets, I hopefully assume is the case because they hope I use it to re-activate the cable TV again. Until then, I'm going to be watching movies and possibly the entirety of the X-files. And on that note, I'm going to start the conversion process of the first season. (Conversion by Any Video Converter free version, shameless plug for freeware)

Ended short relationship with girlfriend, she didn't think things would work out with her working and classes at school. Understandable, can't expect someone to give up their own future for present happiness (unless you're my roommate, in which case someone else will save your hide -- yesimad).

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like your hitting rough times bro... things will work out after you get that job... keep your head up ( i know it sounds cliche, but i've been where you are and things worked out somehow)
